Intelligent Design Controversy – Intelligent Design

The idea of Intelligent Design (ID) is very interesting in itself. I will say that it solves many problems that evolutionary theory of origins (ETO) still has.

Some say, well what about the fossil record? As demonstrated in the previous post, rocks do not take too long to make. I have often read “It is a FACT that the Earth with liquid water, is more than 3.6 billion years old.” But they do not prove it. Can it be proven? Probably by the same way the that 11 year old rock on Mt. St. Helens was shown to be ยฝ to 3 million years old.

I do not want to say that evolution is not true but I believe that the evolutionary explanation of origins is very much flawed and very theoretical. Unfortunately, that is the only theory our children are often given and usually it is presented as the only possible explanation of origins and thus must be fact (like made in the above statement about the age of the earth. Were you there?). I do recall the traditional textbooks I had that discussed the evolutionary explanation of origins did not disclose alternatives nor did they, in any way, suggest that even portions of it MAY not be true.

On the other hand, in my eyes, ID might actually be provable as true. Let us try my Truth Senario:

If I were to take some bricks and build a house and you moved into it a few years later then I stopped by and told you that I built the house, would you believe me? If you knew me to be honest you would. If I was still a stranger you may still doubt. What if I started showing building supply receipts and paint color charts and start describing different features of the home to you? And what about if you got to know me well enough to start seeing that the house I build matches the type of person. Kinda like the game “Match the Owner with the Pet”. You would see that I would probably put a Japanese tub in the master bedroom and overlooking a beautiful back yard. That there would be a small apartment attached to the house and there would be room for lots of kids. etc. You get the point. I built the house, you believe it is true because you know who I am and I have given several different methods of proving it. (Keep this word picture in mind as I discuss)

Now this is where I have issue with many ID proponents. ID is only a theory when presented in light of what is created by the intelligent being. This puts it only on par with the evolutionary theory of origins (ETO). However, basing origins on the idea that there was a intelligence behind it, many holes found in the ETO can be explained.

ID can be a theory but it will not be accepted because ID requires TRUTH and truth can not come from man because, to man, truth is relative. This brings up philosophy, something which I enjoy reading at times but despise debating because my opponents tend to get aggressive (maybe because I ask to many questions). To be brief (this is hard but I will let another expound on these ideas if they want to and I will link to them), Truth requires a standard and the ultimate truth is set up by the ultimate being, the one who creates truth (BTW with some fun you can prove that the Intelligent Designer is Truth making truth absolute! – I’ll let someone else write on that too)

Truth has to come from the Intelligent Designer and so the Intelligent Designer has to be the center of the idea, not the design or else the design would just be a theory (and construed to be religion). This is what I do not like about many who are pushing ID. They are promoting Intelligent DESIGN and not The Intelligent DESIGNER. Because of this, truth becomes relative because man is making up what is truth not the Designer.

The Intelligent Designer told us that He was the one who “designed”. He gave us written documentation. We see His likeness in what He made, just like you would see me in the house I built. You believe I built the house, now the Intelligent Designer has done the exact same thing concerning His design will you believe Him?

This is a huge topic with many ideas (and I tried to make it simple). Sorry if it causes confusion but feel free to comment and ask questions.

ID will only be accepted when the Designer Himself is accepted and I would much rather call the origin of life and this world:
God – The Intelligent Designer

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I am Allan and I live in the midwest.

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