Interesting article on BBC today on “EU Under Fire Over Human Rights“. Though I am not too interested in EU and claimed human rights abuses, I noticed they referenced US human rights abuses. And this is a concern of mine. So I investigated a little further.
Here is the Human Rights Watch report and I reviewed the US section starting on page 501.
Interesting list of “claims” but very rarely is there any good references. However they do a nice job of quoting people that say there are not policies of torture and refuting “Human Rights Abuses”. Yes, there are probably some problems like detaining “witnesses” and stuff but many those issues are in the process of being resolved.
Another interesting point that this report contradicts itself on is that they complain that those that “abuse human rights” are getting away with minimal sentences (though they do not discuss the actual extent of these individual abuses). A page or two later they complain how “inhumane” the US correctional system is. I am confused here. They are calling for those convicted of any human rights violation to be sent into a correctional system that abuses human rights for an extended amount of time, even longer than some of them already are. Sounds like Human Rights Watch is acting in an inhumane way.
Also, convicted first degree murderers should not have the same rights as a citizen in good standing when in fact, many prisoners in the US have it better off than I do. For example, free magazines and TV that probably developed and encouraged that got them into prison in the first place. Free education. I am not against permitting prisoners to become educated and learn a trade, in fact I encourage that but I think that an education that I paid $18,000/year to receive, they should in some way be required to pay for too. If they could put that much time into community service rather than requiring my tax dollars to pay for their education and also pay for someone else to do the community service (like rebuild sidewalks, reception in public offices, or even design road systems). I have a hard time letting first degree murders go free after a few years but many others could easily be permitted to stuff like this.
Finally, back to the report, on page 509 there is reference to a group that totally voided the validity of the report which probably contributed much to this section of the report. The ACLU makes tons of money and selectively chooses its “human rights” battles, selecting anything anti Christian or anti Family or anti Conservative. I could devote a whole blog site on this group but FoxNews is starting to let “The ACLU Expose Itself..” to the public!
I need to look for more positive material to post.