FORD is feeling it?

I think that FORD is having some problems with the issue that was recently mentioned in this blog (see: What is FORD thinking!!!). Checking the stock, it is going down and hitting the “support” (lowest price previous lows have reached before turning up).ร‚ย  I would love to see it break through the “support” which often means people are bailing out and the stock continues to go down.
FORD is being required to discuss an interesting amendment to their “equal employment opportunity policy” though FORD is strongly against it because of FEAR of the alternative lifestyle groups:

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has denied a request by Ford Motor Company to keep a shareholder resolution forbidding Ford to promote homosexual marriage off the agenda at their upcoming shareholders meeting.The resolution requests that Ford Motor Company amend its written equal employment opportunity policy to exclude any reference to privacy issues related to sexual interests, activities or orientation.”

The resolution, which Ford strongly opposes, would force Ford to stop promotion of homosexual marriage and other homosexual activities. – American Family Association

Well, we are seeing more and more where FORD stands in the fight for the family.ร‚ย  More reason not to support FORD.ร‚ย  Now to figure out how to move my IRA (because it supports FORD).

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I am Allan and I live in the midwest.

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