Ok, I am just reading an article on the planet Venus and scientists claim that: because there is hydrogen ions in the atmosphere of Venus, there is, or at least was, water on this planet.
Do hydrogen ions require the existance of water?!รย Doesn’t the sun contain hydrogen ions?รย The sun have been a large massive ocean at one time.รย Right?รย In fact, that is one of the key elements for the sun to give off light and heat!
Another interesting thing about Venus that they are trying to research is why there is still an atmosphere even though Venus has been loosing 100 tons into space every day.รย Mars, on the other hand, has none.รย There is a probe heading into the atmosphere that scientists “hope” will show volcanic activity with will give reason to Venus still having an atmosphere.รย If there isn’t, then what will the explination be?รย Of course, it would not be that Venus is really not that old?รย And there is no way that an Intelligent Being was/is being creative and provided some variety?
Any thoughts or answers?
Aren’t women from there? (Venus)
And Mars has no atmosphere because that is where men come from and we are very functional and do not require pretty things and frilly what nots that create “atmosphere”.
Dave-you’re funny. I love your sense of humor.
Allen-I do think it is incredible how God created enough “stuff” to make our minds wonder (not wander)…a few weeks ago, I talked to the boys about God’s order-Botonists are still trying to come up with a good enough explaination for the reason that no matter what direction a seed is planted, the plant grows up and the roots grow down-wow. So today, as we looked at Noah’s Ark-the science with a world-wide flood in mind, it comes down to believing the authority and absolute truth of God’s Word and basing scientific study from that premise, or deciding to believe in a science that is rooted in the denial of the God of scripture and the authority of His Word. Personally, the choice of accepting the Bible as my first source of history and science brings a lot of clarity and a wider perspective to so many “wonders”-so an unexplainable atmosphere on Venus-it makes me wonder… Wonder at the creativity of my Creator.
Have a good day and tell Joyce hi!
whoops! I mean Allan
Thanks for the thoughts guys. Wish I had more time to blog, there is so much goign through my mind but not time to write. Too much to do at work.