This one got me laughing.
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This one got me laughing.
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Heard a very interesting thought on the radio today and it was in Our Daily Bread for today:
“Despite our efforts to keep him out, God intrudes.
The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities:
a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb.
Jesus entered our world through a door marked “No Entrance”
and left through a door marked “No Exit.”– Peter Larson
God is truth and light his shadow.
(427 BC-347 BC)
Discussion on this one open!
Had a little note in my email that I thought would be good to ponder and puts a little different spin on thankfulness:
I am listening to Christmas music from a radio station in Springfield, MO 88.3 The Wind and there was a small story of a young boy who is going through the stage of believing that God made EVERYTHING.
To open this up, I am in no way condoning this practice, but I think that terms need to be defined.
In a BBC article today,รย Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, said that knowingly putting civilians in harms way is unlawful. Continue reading Unlawful?
Was sent a link to the following article.รย Seems that this past year many “renowned scientists” have defected from the belief in Global Warming.รย Sorry Mr. Gore, An Inconvenient Truth is that there are less scientists supporting global warming than there was a year ago. Continue reading Global Warming Defectors
Interesting research from Cornell and Indiana/Purdue Ft. Wayne on Autism shows that TV may be a strong contributor to autism. Continue reading TV associated with Autism
Today in the Concord Township near Elkhart, after extensive investigation, the young man who has been causing much trouble throughout Elkhart County and surrounding areas has been captured. Continue reading Fugitive captured after massive manhunt
So, here I am munching on an apple and thought, “Wonder what is new at”. Ok, so this is probably the first time I have actually checked out the store, just to check it out and not to buy a Mac product that I NEED for tech support issues.
So, it is lunch time and Apple decides to update its store. “…will be back within the hour”. Wow, Chris Tomlin is featured at ITunes…”The iTunes store is being updated”. Maybe there are companies out there that let their employees check out at other times besides lunch, but as for me, I will blog about it and visit when I NEED it for tech support issues. My lunch time expired before the Apple update (so I better start looking busy!)
Better check for worms in the apple I am eating, too. ๐