That Office Suite? Sorry, there is no discount, but…

…the total is $0 and it has all the features as these others.
“I’ll take the one with the $50 off”.

“Ok, the total will be $211.99”

Something is wrong!  This senario usually does not play out on an individual level, however, I have seen it happen on a corporate level several times.  In fact recently I read about a company that implimented this free office suite and then Bill gave them a very nice discount on his office suite so they switched. Continue reading That Office Suite? Sorry, there is no discount, but…

An Inconvenient Truth!

Hi Al [Gore] my friend.  You thought that you would be reading about your book or movie here and you are right!  But this may be An Inconvenient Truth for you.

Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect.  What fun.  So is the world warming up?  The northern hemisphere is at this time of year.  But that is an annual cyclic thing.  Further temperature fluctuation are in cycles.  Over the past 100 years or so we have seen decades of increasing temperatures and decades of decreasing.  Over the past 20 years the average temperature of the world has stayed pretty constant.  (see: – I myself doubt the validity of the data past 10,000 years or so but just in case you are an old earth believer). Continue reading An Inconvenient Truth!

The LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.”

– GOD (talking to Moses in Exodus 4:11&12)

Guilty until Innocent?

I am interested in the war on terror and it is really fun to watch the conspiracy theories that are being developed out of it. One is the spying of the US government on the American people. I could go on and on about the possibilities and the issue of responsibility of government and US citizens, etc but I will not bore you. However, I will discuss the latest European and CIA fun.

The “Council of Europe” said that there is evidence of secret US prisons in Europe. What is interesting is that the documents contain allegations and no solid facts with evidence being largely circumstantial.

So what does the “Council of Europe” do? They say “Prove that you are innocent”. So prove that every single building in your country was used for something else besides secret prisons? These countries say they did not host prisons and seem to be open to the Council to prove otherwise.

I suspect that the “Council of Europe” likes to write for political purposes – like me writing this 🙂 – and to look busy. Also, internationally, “guilty until proven innocent” tends to be the legal policy.

I think the EU is wasting a bunch of time, money and security dealing with this in such a manner. I am not saying that this activity is not going on, just that there seem to be no solid proof, yet these countries are already “guilty”.

Link: Secret CIA jail claims rejected (BBC)

Fortunately, I am trying to stay away from shady activity and I live in a country gives me the right to be innocent until proven guilty. What about you?

Which came first – Hydrogen or Water?

Ok, I am just reading an article on the planet Venus and scientists claim that: because there is hydrogen ions in the atmosphere of Venus, there is, or at least was, water on this planet.

Do hydrogen ions require the existance of water?!  Doesn’t the sun contain hydrogen ions?  The sun have been a large massive ocean at one time.  Right?  In fact, that is one of the key elements for the sun to give off light and heat!

Another interesting thing about Venus that they are trying to research is why there is still an atmosphere even though Venus has been loosing 100 tons into space every day.  Mars, on the other hand, has none.  There is a probe heading into the atmosphere that scientists “hope” will show volcanic activity with will give reason to Venus still having an atmosphere.  If there isn’t, then what will the explination be?  Of course, it would not be that Venus is really not that old?  And there is no way that an Intelligent Being was/is being creative and provided some variety?

Any thoughts or answers?

FORD is feeling it?

I think that FORD is having some problems with the issue that was recently mentioned in this blog (see: What is FORD thinking!!!). Checking the stock, it is going down and hitting the “support” (lowest price previous lows have reached before turning up).  I would love to see it break through the “support” which often means people are bailing out and the stock continues to go down.
FORD is being required to discuss an interesting amendment to their “equal employment opportunity policy” though FORD is strongly against it because of FEAR of the alternative lifestyle groups:

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has denied a request by Ford Motor Company to keep a shareholder resolution forbidding Ford to promote homosexual marriage off the agenda at their upcoming shareholders meeting.The resolution requests that Ford Motor Company amend its written equal employment opportunity policy to exclude any reference to privacy issues related to sexual interests, activities or orientation.”

The resolution, which Ford strongly opposes, would force Ford to stop promotion of homosexual marriage and other homosexual activities. – American Family Association

Well, we are seeing more and more where FORD stands in the fight for the family.  More reason not to support FORD.  Now to figure out how to move my IRA (because it supports FORD).

Urgent – Why do I need a total “outfit” of new backpacking gear

To my few loyal readers:

A very important question has been posed to me: “Why do you need a total new set of backpacking equipment.”

Now I need your help to answer this question.  I think the final answer date is Friday (but I need to check).  My favorite equipment is probably around 15 years old so in need to get it replaced.

Any ideas are greatly appriciated.
